365 days of motoring
See what happened on this day in our motoring past.
Wat gebeurde er op deze dag in de autogeschiedenis?
André Leroux
French, but lots of interesting stuff.
Talloze leuke onderwerpen, maar wel in het Frans.
AR Online
A lot of information about British cars, especially from BL.
Veel info over Britse merken vooral BL en AR
Automobiel Historie
Dutch site about automobile history with lots of interesting items, even car company stocks.
Een heleboel items uit de geschiedenis van de auto, zelfs aandelen.
Automobile Catalog
Database with all sorts of technical information about cars produced after 1945.
Technische informatie over auto's na 1945, Engels.
British Car Links
By far the most extensive link collection on classic cars from one country. But lots of dead links unfortunately.
Links naar heel veel Britse autosites. Wel veel dode links.
Cars as modern digital art
Digital art based on car photographs, previously a Norwegian car site.
Voormalige Noorse autosite, toont nu kunst op basis van autofoto's.
Cars Forgotten - Stories
Italian site with forgotten brands, also in English.
Italiaanse site met vergeten merken, ook Engelstalig.
Classic Car and Motorbike Art
Watercolours by John Lowerson.
Sfeervolle aquarellen van klassieke auto's en motoren. Heel fraai.
Dutch Automotive History
National Library site with collections Olyslager and ANWB.
Nederlandse (reclame)geschiedenis met een afdeling autofolders.
Free Car Brochures
Partner of this museum. Lots of brochures of all marques worldwide. Perfect site for downloading.
Partner van het museum. Afbeeldingen in hoge resolutie, ideaal voor downloaden.
International Classic Car Informer
Lists of companies active in the domain of classic cars.
Overzicht van bedrijven die actief zijn op het gebied van klassiekers.
Internet Movie Cars Database
Lists by marque and model of cars in movies.
Een overzicht van auto's die een rol speelden in films.
Love To Accelerate
Norwegian site for the fans of American cars.
Noorse site over auto's met heel veel brochures.
Old Car Manual Project
Brochures, manuals and pictures of American cars.
Site over Amerikaanse auto's, ook veel brochures.
Virtual Car Model Museum
Italian site with lots of model cars.
Italiaanse site over modelauto's.
Austin A30-A35 Club
Dutch site for the owners of Austin A30/35 models.
Nederlandse club voor Austin A30/35 eigenaren.
Austin Memories
Everything you always wanted to know about Austin.
Alles wat je ooit wilde weten over Austin (Engels).
Austin Morris Riley Wolseley register
Dutch site with pictures.
Het Nederlandse Austin Morris Riley Wolseley register
British Leyland Chronicles
Interesting Facebook page about everything BL.
Engelstalige facebookpagina over British Leyland.
DAF Owners Club
Site of the British DAF club.
De Britse DAF club.
DAF Classic club
Dutch-only DAF site.
De Nederlandse DAF club.
Hoppend's Austin A30-A35
Restoration site with Austin A30/35 brochures.
Engelstalige site met brochures.
MG The Classic Marque
A fair bit of history about the great Marque.
Engelstalige site over de geschiedenis van MG.
Mk1 Performance-Conversions
About the Mk1 Mini only. Containing brochures.
Engelstalige site over de Mk1 Mini. Met brochures.
Panhard Club Nederland
The Dutch Panhard club (aussi en Francais).
De Nederlandse Panhard club.
Rover P6 Australia
The Australian Rover P6 club with brochures.
De Australische Rover P6 club met folders.
Vintage Saab Manuals Online
A lot of Saab manuals in pdf format.
Engelstalige site met vooral Saab manuals.
Canon Camera Museum
Canon showing all of it´s cameras.
Engelstalige site met alle Canon camera's.
Mainly about Russian and DDR cameras, but other cams as well.
Engelstalige site voornamelijk Russische modellen maar ook DDR en andere camera's.
Minolta Camera wiki
Many models on the Camerapedia wiki site.
Engelstalige wiki site over Minolta camera's.
Minolta A-bajonet lenses
All lenses Minolta, Sony A-mount and E-mount on the site of Michael Hohner.
Engelstalige site over Minolta/Sony objectieven.
Praktica Collection of Mike
Extensive site about the analog Praktica models.
Engelstalige site over Praktica modellen.
Yashica TLR
Very informative site (with brochures) about the Yashica twin reflex cameras.
Engelstalige site over twee-ogige Yashica camera's.
Zeiss Ikon VEB
Extensive site about the east-german lenses.
Duitstalige site over objektieven uit de Pentacon stal.
Airfix models history
Oficial Airfix site about the history of their models.
Engelstalige site over de Airfixmodellen door de jaren heen.
Toy Museum Brighton Index
Encyclopedia of the Brighton Toy and Model Museum.
Index van het Toy en Model Museum in Brighton (Engelstalig).
50 Watts
Book-related design with an astonishing amount of links.
Over boekomslagontwerpen met heel veel links (Engels).
A Dutch Treat
Not a museum, but free books by Dutch-speaking authors.
Gratis Engelse boeken van Nederlandse auteurs.
Advertising Archives
Classic Ads.
Engels advertentiearchief.
American Mid-Century Illustration
Including cars.
Commerciele illustraties uit de jaren 50 (ook auto's).
Amazing Pattern Library
Navigation is in the top right corner. You may download the patterns.
Patronenbibliotheek (navigatie zit rechtsbove).
Beksinski Museum
About life and works of surrealistic artist Zdzislaw Beksinski.
Gallery met vrijwel alles van kunstenaar Beksinski.
Computer brochures
Large collection.
Computer brochures (Engels).
Dutch Magic Lantern museum
Site about the history of the magic lantern.
Nederlandse site over de toverlantaarn.
Early consumer electronics and 1st achievements
See who was first.
Wie was het eerst met een elektronicavondst (Engels).
Industrial and Art
Harley-Davidsons in 3D.
Harley-Davicsons in 3D (Engels).
Marcel's TV museum
Dutch site with old television sets and recording equipment.
Nederlandse site over TV's en videorecorders.
Memory of the Netherlands
Dutch site with a section about cars.
Nederlandse site over reclame met o.a. autobrochures.
Old Family Photographs
Collection of old photographs showing people.
Collectie oude foto's van mensen. (Kroatisch/Engels)
Pulp Artists
Mainly American pulp book covers.
Amerikaanse pulpboekcovers.
Steve's Old Computer Museum
Large collection of personal computers.
Voornamelijk personal computers (Engels).
A nice collection of commercial tins.
Nederlandse site over blik.
Tradesman's Delivery Bikes
Brochure images of delivery bikes (with lots of links to bike pages).
Vrachtfietsen (Engels).
Veni Etinam
Electronic Philips kits (Dutch).
Philips zelfbouw.
Dutch site with several online collections on the linkpage.
Nederlandse site over verzamelingen.
Vintage Bicycles
Dave's vintage bicycles from the USA.
Amerikaanse site over antieke fietsen.
Vintage Electronics
Pictures of classic electronic equipment.
Klassieke audio (Engels).
Vintage Paperbacks
Covers of paperbacks.
Omslagen van pockets (Engels).
Virtual Shoe Museum
Celebrating the shoe as art.
Nederlands schoenenmuseum (Engels).